About Us

About Us

Advanced Computing Literacy Mission (ACLM), an entity of Aastha-Tech.com, developed with the aim to provide high end technological training in accordance with the industry needs. Aastha-Tech a dedicated IT solution provider, supporting aclm to all extent in order to enabling and setting all industrial collaboration related to training and development.

Always Supporting you

Wherever you are, we will bring the right expertise to maximize your potential

ACLM works for the excellence, where time flexibility is critical for success. The confidence over various training by leading experts and financial analytical capabilities with industry-specific experience.

Since every training requires a tailored training (basically a mixture of skills and experience), we’re dedicated for the highest quality provider through conceptually building blocks. We’re equipped with professional and academic experience in physics, engineering, mathematics, finance, accounting and programming.

Center of Excellence

Presence for over 10 Years, proves the quality training provider

With all state of art and equipment, ACLM Institute of Professional Studies, dedicated for training since 2006, is now became a symbol of excellence. Whether you talk about EXCEL, ADVANCED EXCEL, VBA or SAS, you’ll always forced to see our tailor made programme.

Not only with this, the programmes covering Database, CRM and ERP are also appreciated among all the corporate as well as individual training. A great reason, for making us different is only due to successful implementation and customization for all (as and when required).

Stakeholders and Presence

Wherever you are, we will bring the right expertise to maximise your

Stakeholders of our institutions are the affiliates and institutions running our customized program. Our presence to Delhi, Guwahati & Meerut Regions are making our wings strong and stronger. Each of our campaigns are designed in such a manner that, all affiliates and our centre can generate maximum revenue throughout the year.

Our presence over all network throughout the year, distinguish ourselves on the very 1st rank for “MIS Training Institution”. The overwhelming responses from all network gives us a pride and honour for doing such excellent job.

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