Programming and Web Technologies
Advanced Python Training

Advanced Python Training

Course Duration : 90 Hours

Learn Advanced Python Training by the Experts having 7+ Years of experience in Data Analytics and Web Services Development.

Advanced Python Training is designed to set your programming skills from a basic python or any other programming language to the Python Expert. In this course, we’re going to cover some other topics in more detail and adding new ones. ACLM always trying to cover classes in great detail, with new coverage of database connectivity, network programming, OS services, date/time management, binary data, unit testing and more.  The Advanced Python Training has ratio of 40% lectures and 60% practical training.

Topics Covered Under Advanced Python Training

All students under Advanced Python Training will have:

  • Leverage OS services
  • Define classes
  • Code graphical interfaces for applications
  • Create modules and packages
  • Implement and run unit tests
  • Created multithreaded applications
  • Interact with network services
  • Query databases
  • Process XML, CSV, and JSON data



Python refresher

  • Data types
  • Sequences
  • Mapping types
  • Program structure
  • Files and console I/O
  • Conditionals
  • Loops
  • Built-ins

OS Services In Advanced Python Training

  • The OS module
  • Environment variables
  • Launching external commands
  • Walking directory trees
  • Paths, directories, and filenames
  • Working with file systems

Dates and times

  • Advanced Python Training
  • Basic date and time classes
  • Different time formats
  • Converting between formats
  • Formatting dates and times
  • Parsing date/time information

Binary Data Uses Advanced Python Training

  • What is Binary Data?
  • Binary vs text
  • Using the Struct module

Pythonic Programming

  • The Zen of Python
  • Common idioms
  • Named tuples
  • Useful types from collections
  • Sorting
  • Lambda functions
  • List comprehensions
  • Generator expressions

Functions, Modules, and packages

  • Creating functions
  • Function Parameters
  • Variable scope
  • Creating modules
  • Using the import statement
  • Module search path (PYTHONPATH)
  • Documenting modules

Intermediate Classes Advanced Python Training

  • Classes refresher
  • Properties
  • Class data/methods
  • Inheritance
  • Special methods

Meta Programming

  • Implicit properties
  • globals() and locals()
  • Working with object attributes
  • The inspect module
  • Callable classes
  • Decorators
  • Monkey patching

Developer Tools

  • Analyzing programs with pylint
  • Using the debugger
  • Profilng code
  • Testing speed with benchmarking

Unit tests

  • What is a unit test
  • Creating a Test cases
  • Writing tests
  • Running tests

Database access

  • The DB API
  • Available Interfaces
  • Connecting to a server
  • Creating and executing a cursor
  • Fetching data
  • Parameterized statements
  • Using Metadata
  • Transaction control
  • ORMs and NoSQL overview


  • Overview
  • Qt Architecture
  • Using designer
  • Standard widgets
  • Event handling
  • Extras

Network Programming

  • Built-in classes
  • Using requests
  • Grabbing web pages
  • Sending email
  • Working with binary data
  • Consuming RESTful services
  • Remote access (SSH)


  • The threading module
  • Sharing variables
  • The queue module
  • The multiprocessing module
  • Creating pools
  • About async programming

Scripting for System Administration

  • Running external programs
  • Parsing arguments
  • Creating filters to read text files
  • Logging

Serializing data

  • Working with XML
  • XML modules in Python
  • Getting started with ElementTree
  • Parsing XML
  • Updating an XML tree
  • Creating a new document
  • About JSON
  • Reading JSON
  • Writing JSON
  • Reading/writing CSV files


Who Should Attend

  • All students should be able to write simple Python scripts,
  • using basic data types,
  • program structures,
  • and the standard Python library.


  • All programming concepts
  • Must be aware of OOPS and
  • System Analysis and Design (SAD)
  • Having Strong Analytical Skill

What You Need To Bring

For Classes, which is getting delivered offline, candidate must have their own laptop with Python 3.6 and highter running, A note book, Pen, Pencil (Audio / Video Recorder Not Allowed) For classes delivered online, all participants need either dual monitors or a separate device logged into the online session so that they can do their work on one screen and watch the instructor on the other. A separate computer connected to a projector or large screen TV would be another way for students to see the instructor’s screen simultaneously with working on their own.Amazingly the outcome of the

Key Takeaways

training will boost you in thorough research on Python and its modules. You can set your goal towards your career in Python with Data Analytics as well as Python Developer and can also set your skill to the new and most demanding AI (artifical intelligent) technologies.

About Trainer

  • Have 7+ Years of Experience in Python Programming and web services along with database design and administration
  • Have contributed to various international projects on Python, Tableau, Django and many more
  • Developed his own tool for AI supports

Registration open for Data Analytics & Data Science. (12 Months Exec. Program)