Programming and Web Technologies
AngularJs Training

AngularJs Training

AngularJs Training: India’s No.1

AngularJs Training Duration: 30 Hrs


AngularJs Training is a JavaScript Framework for client side Web Application Development.It is a library written in JavaScript.In AngularJS we extend html by directives.Filters,Expression ,Controller and Directives makes AngularJS as most demanding Technology.Basic concept of AngularJS i.e Data-binding, basic templating directives, form validation, routing, deep-linking, reusable components and dependency injection make AngularJS so popular.AngularJS eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write. Angular was built with the CRUD application in mind.With your eventual mastery of AngularJS, you will be able to fluently and efficiently construct large-scale applications

Want to know more about Angular JS?

Topics Covered Under AngularJs Training


  • Difference between Angular and Other JQuery Frameworks ,Advantages of Angular,DOM Elements


  • Use of ng-app,Data Binding ,Using Expressions and NG-Class,Repeating elements using ng-repeat,Using Controllers,Adapting to model changes


  • Filter Syntax,AngularJS Filters,Custom filters


  • Services Syntax,Understanding Services Injecting Concepts

Understanding Directives Syntax

  • Creating your custom defined syntax,How to link directives,Components Creation

Templates and Routing

  • Linking and images,The routing API,PushState, hasbangs and SEO

Server Communication

  • $http,PUT,POST,GET

Who Should Attend In AngularJs Training

Full stack developer,server side programmer those are having some knowledge of front end  and every software engineer


  • Have complete knowledge of JavaScript,Html,CSS.
  • Knowledge of MVC framework will be  a plus point for fast gaining the concept.

What You Need To Bring

  • Notepad, Pen/Pencil, Laptop

Key Takeaways

  • Complete understanding of AngilarJS framework.

About Trainer

  • 10 + Years of Experience in Unix Shell Scripting Training

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