Programming and Web Technologies
Dot Net Training

Dot Net Training

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Course Duration : 2 Months

Dot Net training  content is designed by the experts of .NET professionals at ACLM Institute of professional studies. The basic purpose of this course is to share their experiences in solving the difficulties and demonstrated problems with the live examples in order to become an effective .NET developer.

You will be presented with text tutorial along with practical class room training get in depth of each section. ACLM dot net training will reinforce your concepts with lot of examples and its explanation. At the end of the training, you’ll require to develop Dot Net projects, using will be required to develop project modules for the same.

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Documentation available at msdn

Dot Net Training: Benefits

  • It reduces the concept required to build large applications.
  • Applications are safe and effectively properly secured.
  • Just-in-Time selection, local marketing, and caching services right out of the box.
  • Drag-and-Drop server controls, and automated execution
  • Executing common tasks, from easy form submission and client confirmation to execution
  • Program regularly available to deal with requirements.
  • It provides out on the server before it is sent to the web browser.

Topics Covered under dot net training

Module 1: Introduction to .NET Programming

  • Framework, Common Language Runtime, Base Class Library, Common Type System (CTS), Intermediate Language, Assemblies, Namespaces

Programming with C#

  • Variables, Comments, XML Documentation, Constants, Keywords, Data Types, Reference Types, Control Statements, Conditional Statements, Switch Statement, Loops, Jump Statements, Go to, break, Continue, Return, Arrays

Programming with VB.NET

  • Variables, Comments, Constants, Keywords, Data Types, Control Statements, Conditional , Statements, If Statement, Select Case Statement, Loops, The For Loop, The while Loop, The do…Loop, The For Each Loop, Arrays, Option Explicit, Option Strict

Exception handling in C#/ VB.NET Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

  • Class, Object, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract Class and Function, Interface, Constructors

Module 2: Developing Windows Forms Applications

  • Why Windows Forms?, Windows Form Layout options, Walkthrough: Creating Simple Windows, Form application, Form Members, Form Code Behind, Startup Form, Modal and Modaless Forms

Standard Controls - Windows Application

  • Labels, Text boxes, Rich Text Box, Button, CheckBox, Radio Button, Picture Box, ListBox, ImageList, ListView, Tab Control, Menu Strip, Data Grid View, Date Picker

Event Handlers

  • Creating Event Handlers, Default Event Handlers, Associating Event Handlers at Run Time, Order of events, MDI Forms, Dialog Forms, Visual Inheritance, Inheriting a Form, Custom Controls, Walkthrough: Creating Address Control

Module 3: Developing Web Applications using ASP.NET 2.0

  • Objective of this module, First things first, Creating ASP.NET Application, Components and ASP.NET, Application, ASP.NET Page Processing, Server Controls, State Management, Master Pages, User Controls and Custom Controls, Site Navigation, Themes, Caching, Configuration, Globalization and Localization

Module 4: Data access with ADO.NET and XML

  • Objective of this module, First things first, Introduction to ADO.NET, Data Structures and Data Access Components, Data Binding, Data Access using XML

Module 5: Web Services and Windows Services

  • Objective of this module, First things first, Introduction to ADO.NET, Data Structures and Data Access Components, Data Binding, Data Access using XML

Module 6: Security, Deployment, Introduction to .NET 3.0

  • Objective of this module, Security, Authentication, Authorization, Impersonation, Code Access Security, Deployment, Introduction to .NET Framework 3.0, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows , Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Card Space

Module 7: Introduction NET Framework 4.0

  • Major Changes in .Net 4.0, Control Rendering Compatibility Version Setting in the Web. Con fig File, Client ID Mode Changes, Html Encode and Url Encode Now Encode Single Quotation Marks, ASP.NET Page (.aspx) Parser is Stricter, Browser Definition Files Updated, System.Web.Mobile.dll Removed from Root Web Configuration File, ASP.NET Request Validation, Default Hashing Algorithm Is Now HMACSHA256, Configuration Errors Related to New ASP.NET 4 Root Configuration, ASP.NET 4 Child Applications Fail to Start When Under ASP.NET 2.0 or ASP.NET 3.5 Applications, ASP.NET 4 Web Sites Fail to Start on Computers Where SharePoint Is Installed, The HttpRequest.FilePath Property No Longer Includes PathInfo Values, ASP.NET 2.0 Applications Might Generate HttpException Errors that Reference eurl.axd, Event Handlers Might Not Be Not Raised in a Default Document in IIS 7 or IIS 7.5 Integrated Mode, Changes to the ASP.NET Code Access Security (CAS) Implementation, MembershipUser and Other Types in the System.Web.Security Namespace Have Been Moved, System.Web.Security Types for Passport are Obsolete, The MenuItem.PopOutImageUrl Property Fails to Render an Image in ASP.NET4, Menu.StaticPopOutImageUrl and Menu.DynamicPopOutImageUrl Fail to Render Images When Paths Contain Backslashes, Disclaimer

Who Should Attend the Dot Net Training

  • Developers who wish to create commercial .NET applications within Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 using C# and / or VB.NET, ASP.Net, ADO.Net

Pre-requisites for Dot Net Training

  • Background of Programming and ideally in an Object Based or Object Oriented Language

What You Need To Bring

  • Notepad, Pen/Pencil, Laptop

Key Takeaways on completion of Dot Net Training

  • Able to Understand the .NET Framework and the CLR, Use of Visual Studio effectively, Learn C# or VB.NET, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Create commercial ASP.NET Web Applications, Understand OO Programming, Classes, and Objects, Debug Applications, Develop user interfaces using Master Pages, User Controls and Themes

About Trainer

  • 16+ years experience as Working as an developer.
  • Developed 100+ projects using C#, Ajax, MVC
  • Contributed to multi Government and Semi Government projects on Dot net framework.
dot net training

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